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Sabtu, 30 Desember 2017

Invest for The Future with Peculium

Savings is the main source that determines the essence of investment. They are involved to be effectively used in the real sector of the country’s economy. The economy needs a redistribution of money from those who have it, and who needs it. These funds save the population, but need state and businessman. The main factor of economic growth is investment. During the investment period, aggregate demand increases, and in the future — aggregate supply increases. Investment can be called as savings, which ultimately bring benefits. This happens by investing it in various activities.
People and the financial community are looking for sources of financing to meet investment needs. For reproduction and renewal of fixed capital, investments are made with real capital (capital-forming investments or investments in non-financial assets). Investment in money capital is a fund that will be invested in the country’s real capital.
The importance of domestic banks in turning savings into investments. The intermediary function of commercial banks is important for the economy to grow successfully. Because of their activity, the level of risk and uncertainty in the economic system is reduced — they collect free money and turn it into a strong source of investment.
One of the first methods to collect additional funds is the savings received by the bank with interest. At that time, banks perform socially significant functions — stimulating credit intermediation. This happens because of the redistribution of corporate legal funds, as well as the individual monetary income.
In economic theory, another relation between the reliability of the investment and the return of them. In the representation of the population - it is worthwhile that it is reliable. Reliability is assumed while saving. The first two places on profitability and reliability are occupied by tangible assets. It's gold with the rest of the gems, real estate. In third place is the savings. However, most of the accumulated funds are not invested in securities or real estate, but are not invested in the bank - on the contrary, they remain in deposit accounts or at home in rubles.
Only less than 3% of people who have savings, invest their money in business or buy securities or real estate. The reason is not the lack of financial resources, but the fact that the majority (57%) of all people, despite the fact that they have savings or not, believe that the money is most easily stored in cash in rubles. Only about 2% of respondents are ready to invest their money in securities and almost same in the real estate.
For most consumers, banking services are forced, but not a meaningful solution. Now the credit organization is trusted by 65% ​​of Russian citizens. The population trusts more cash than cashless payments, especially with background information on embezzlement of non-cash funds. In order for people to believe in the security of non-cash settlements, much remains to be done. 23% of the population said they did not trust the electronic payment system because they were not sure of its reliability.
When the buyer receives the most popular products and services in the banking market, he faces coercion, so he has a desire not to pay the additional fees charged. In addition, most buyers are negative about the information distributed by banks (40% of Russians are bothered by bank advertising, 22% note that ads are annoying, and 21% are misleading and deceptive).
In addition, buyers do not believe in the reliability of information about the cost of credit, which reports his bank. The reason the customer’s fear of the goodwill of the bank is the consumer’s reaction to a bad experience in the past, when the bank used the commission, not letting the borrower know the true cost of the loan. But all the above problems can be solved with such a Peculium platform based on blocking technology.
PECULIUM is the first saving management platform to take advantage of
blockchain technology. PECULIUM revolutionized savings management with
implementing an unchanging Smart Contract during the Ethereal blockade.
This smart contract provides an unreliable way to reach a transparent, decentralized, and infallible contract agreement.
PECULIUM offers products with varying degrees of autonomy on asset management, ranging from fully autonomous (suitable for users and investors) to be customized (suitable for professional traders, large companies, and brokers interested in providing tailored plans for their clients). The PECULIUM platform will enable the monitoring and management of crypto assets in real time.
PECULIUM provides a transparent solution for traditional savings investments in crypto. By using Artificial Intelligence, PECULIUM maximizes the benefits of the expanding kriptocurrency market. PECULIUM combines traditional saving and cryptocurrency markets through blockchain technology in a mutually beneficial relationship, potentially providing a remarkable return for the savings invested.
ELIXIR UNIK PECULIUM: Peculium enters a great style to overcome all of the above problems and more. To address the transparency / security issues in this sector, the PECULIUM platform is built on Ethereal Blockchain technology developed under smart contracts. Blockchain is a form of digital ledger that is stored remotely. It contains all transactions over the network that are guaranteed by cryptographic functions. Decentralized storage and cryptographic encryption make digital ledgers unchanged. Although encrypted, transactions through blockchain are completely transparent.
Token Distribution
A total of 5% of these tokens will be sold in private sales from Nov. 1 to Nov.17. The first 7 days of personal selling will be specific to registered users. Starting 27 Nov’17, a total of 25% token will be sold during the initial coin offering (ICO) stage, which will run until January 19th ’18. The first 5 hours ICO will be considered pre-ICO, which will benefit investors with an additional 5% bonus bonus.
Initial investors and PECULIUM project contributors will be allocated
bonus. PECULIUM values ​​are small and large in the crowd
You are welcome. Bonus will be allocated only based on time frame and will not depend on the amount of contribution. Private sales tenants will be given 50% bonus tokens. During the Pre-ICO and ICO phases, the bonus structure will vary with time from 35% to 0%, as shown below. Large investors during the continuous supply phase of the coin will not receive any bonuses.
Next information:
Website —
My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1139457;sa=summary

Jumat, 29 Desember 2017


Bonjour ami monnayeurs Indonésie où que vous soyez, cette fois je vais examiner un projet de change, également connu sous le forex, vous compagnons curieux monnayeurs tout, nous allons ... nous allons voir-Ulsan mon avis sur ce fait suite LHCrypto.
Avez-vous entendu parler de Forex? En bref, Forex est connu sous le nom de change, Fx ou le commerce des devises, un marché mondial décentralisé où tous les échanges de devises mondiales. Le marché Forex est le marché le plus grand et le plus liquide du monde avec un volume de transactions quotidien moyen supérieur à 5 billions de dollars. Le Forex existe depuis des années et gagne en popularité et en popularité. Mais il ya quelques pertes de Forex qui ont causé quelques problèmes sur les traders et les courtiers Forex. Voyons quelles sont les principales faiblesses qui peuvent causer ces gens: -
Les courtiers Forex peuvent seulement ouvrir des comptes avec un montant limité de devises telles que l'USD ou l'Euro car la plupart des transactions sont basées sur ces deux devises. Cela a causé des problèmes avec d'autres courtiers forex venant d'autres pays qui utilisent des devises différentes. Ils peuvent rencontrer des problèmes pour les clients basés dans les pays arabes ou asiatiques qui ont des règles strictes et les courtiers peuvent perdre certains marchés potentiels.
Les règles du travail financier diffèrent selon les pays. Par conséquent, les clients peuvent devoir augmenter le coût d'obtention d'une licence.
Coûts de transaction élevés lors de transactions avec des cartes bancaires. Ceci est devenu un problème majeur pour les courtiers Forex car la commission est de 6% pour chaque transaction. Imaginez si un client transfère un nombre de transactions d'une valeur de 100 000 $, il facturera des frais de 6 000 $ pour la transaction qu'il a effectuée.
Comme la crypto-monnaie est devenue populaire ces dernières années, je crois que beaucoup de gens ont investi et sont devenus une partie du marché. Cela pose également des problèmes aux internautes qui échangent des Crypto Disorders avec des Forex Brokers. Parce que les crypto-monnaies ne sont pas disponibles sur le Forex, les internautes doivent transférer leur crypto dans la monnaie fiat à un prix défavorable. C'est la raison pour laquelle la plupart des clients qui veulent vendre des crypto-monnaie ne veulent pas utiliser de services intermédiaires, donc Larson et Holz ont proposé un moyen de résoudre ce problème et le nom d'ICO s'appelle LHCrypto.
LHCYPTO EST LE PREMIER COURTIER DE CRYPTO Pertama-tama, izinkan saya memperkenalkan perusahaan Larson & Holz. Larson & Holz adalah perusahaan yang ada yang melibatkan bisnis sebagai Broker Forex dan Binary Options. Perusahaan mulai bekerja sejak tahun 2004 dan klien mereka adalah individu dan kelompok yang bermain dalam fluktuasi seperti mata uang (cryptocurrencies), minyak, saham, emas dan lain-lain. Selain itu, mereka memiliki layanan broker yang berjalan sendiri yang siap dan tersedia untuk menggunakan. Ini adalah link yang menunjuk ke layanan broker jika Anda ingin menguji dan mencobanya. Ini menunjukkan bahwa bagaimana pengalaman dan ahli mereka berada di bidang ini. Karena itu adalah perusahaan yang sudah ada, maka membuat perusahaan lebih dapat dipercaya dibandingkan dengan ICO lainnya yang hanya mengajukan ide tanpa latar belakang perusahaan. Perusahaan telah mengusulkan sebuah ide untuk menciptakan versi kriptocurrency dari Forex yang melakukan transaksi dengan kripto. Jadi, Anda mungkin berpikir sekarang apa perbedaan antara broker kripto dan situs pertukaran? Crypto broker biasanya dipercaya sebagai kantor penukaran mata uang sederhana. Ini menggunakan konsep yang sama dengan pertukaran mata uang biasa namun hanya menggunakan kriptourrency untuk transaksi dan bisa menguntungkan, berpotensi tinggi dan bisnis yang bermanfaat. Mereka tidak membuat situs pertukaran atau kantor pertukaran mata uang lainnya, namun dengan sesuatu yang sama sekali berbeda. Jadi, izinkan saya menjelaskan kepada Anda apa bagian dan manfaat proyek yang menarik.
En utilisant la technologie Cryptocurrencies et Blockchain, il aide les clients d'autres pays tels que la Chine, l'Inde, le Vietnam, la Malaisie et d'autres pays à effectuer des paiements plus facilement qu'avec le Forex car les pays mentionnés ci-dessus ont des règles strictes. étrangers et faire face aux problèmes que la Loi sur la monnaie empêche d'argent à transférer à cette société. Avec ce projet, il est capable de libérer un énorme potentiel de marché dans les services intermédiaires.
La conduite de transactions dans le crypto-kardi ouvrira le marché à un grand nombre de publics cibles qui sont familiers avec la crypto-crypto et qui s'intéressent à lui.
Les courtiers peuvent réduire leurs dépenses parce que faire des paiements et stocker des fonds dans crypto dans la région ne nécessite pas de magasin physique et peut travailler sur Internet. De plus, les courtiers n'ont pas besoin d'obtenir de licences, et les restrictions imposées aux régulateurs financiers de différents pays sont minimes. Cela leur permet d'avoir plus de clients.
Enfin, faire une transaction en utilisant cryptomonnaie facturer seulement 1% par transaction nécessaire pour utiliser la carte bancaire Cela signifie que les clients et les courtiers peuvent en bénéficier et épargner davantage. LHCrypto Pré ICOFor LHCrpto Pre ICO, les informations seront affichées comme suit: -
Il va durer pendant un mois (de 30/10/2017 à 12/02/2017) 
 20000000 jeton #LHCoin sera un problème pendant toute la période de PRE ICO 
 prix #LHCoin jeton sera calculé en fonction des résultats de l'ARP ICOLHCrptyo ICOUntuk LHCrpto Pré ICO, les informations seront affichées comme suit: -
Il se déroulera pendant quatre semaines ( à partir de 12/04/2017 jusqu'au 30/12/2017) 
 50000000 jeton #LHCoin sera un problème pendant toute la période de PRE ICO
 mon avis, est un ICO LHCrypto intéressé et le potentiel pour réussir. De plus, ils sont une entreprise expérimentée qui a plus de 10 ans d' expérience sur le marché et ce domaine. Plus important encore, ils sont une entreprise existante avec une bonne réputation.
Pour les amis monnayeurs indonésiens qui veulent en savoir plus sur LHCrypto, vous pouvez visiter le lien ci-dessous:
My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1139457;sa=summary

SYNTHESTECH - Innovative Technologies To Transform One Chemical Being Another Element

Hallo all, posted this time I will describe about Project Synthestech. and for more details let's just go straight to his review the following:
What is SYNTHESTECH Project ?
This project deals with cold transmutation technology for chemical elements. Cold Transmutation (LENR) chemical element - is an innovative technological breakthrough to convert one chemical element into another. The cheap element becomes a valuable item. 
It is possible to acquire platinum group metals and other valuable elements, including gold, from cheap materials to artificial means.
The ability to synthesize chemicals changes the economy in a much more significant way, compared to blockchain technology though.
Cold Transmutation phenomenon is found in recent decades. The SYNTHESTECH group is developing this technology; They have done hundreds of experiments and achieved phenomenal results. Among the results obtained platinum group of metals.
Blockchain  - is a technology for recording information about its value and transactions; it is a 
Cold Transmutation virtual information  - is a method of generating value, physical and objective.
The Most Important Question is is the Project commercially viable?
Cold Transmutation technology of chemical elements (LENR-Transmutation) is an area that has huge commercial potential. Elements that can be obtained by using cold transmutation, will be much in demand in finance, industry, medicine in finance, industry, medicine. Implementation of this technology can lead to the creation of new industries. Value added and profit can reach thousands of percent. Project capitalization can grow ten-fold as soon as the new "Synthestech" laboratory begins to operate.
Features  - This project is exclusive to the commercial task, the scientific issue was originally excluded. 
Innovation  - High commercial output, in the modern world, is possible only with the use of innovation. 
Potential  - Cold transmutation technology is a field that has  
enormous commercial potential. 
Our commercial technology prospect opens up the $ 12-15 billion platinum metal market. 
Research  - We do about 300 experiments and have achieved successful results. 
Team  - People with research drives, focus on research and work design  
Plans  - We are on the agenda - consolidating success and transition to the next stage of development and implementation

About Technology

Cold transmutation technology allows you to get from some chemical elements - others, more valuable and rare, without the use of strong energy. For example from tungsten - platinum.
We did several hundred experiments and received amazing results - we learned to turn elements into other elements. However, his research has not been completed. The next step is to transfer our technology from trial to industry level.

What is Cold Transmutation (LENR)?

Cold Transmutation (LENR) chemical element is a breakthrough, an innovative technology for converting certain chemical elements into other objects. Cheap items are very valuable. This is an opportunity to acquire platinum metals and other valuable elements, including gold, artificially from cheap raw materials.
Cheap price
The cost of synthesis, can be 2-3 times cheaper than production in the traditional way.
Stable element
The resulting element is stable.
Economic potential
Elements are basic raw materials, and are constantly in demand
Precious metals that can be obtained due to cold transmutation is not worsening and not lost. This is an objective value, which has a high cost in the modern world and will always be in the price.


Vladislav Karabanov
Head and Project Founder
Developer of Cold Transmutation Method. He has 30 years experience in commercial project management and research.
Dmitry Pushkarev
Technical Engineering Manager
Experienced engineer, specialist in working with various construction designs. He was able to apply the most daring ideas and operating models.
Roman Karabanov
Head of Laboratory "Synthestech"
He developed a number of Cold Transmutation methods used by "Synthestech". Project Administrator
The team of experienced engineers and technicians "Synthestech"
Qualified engineers and specialists in various fields are required to undertake research.
Nadezhda Fedyakina
Communist manager
He has experience in negotiating and promoting projects.
Ghezza Matter
Financial advisor
Trust and Compliance Operations Manager at ZEDRA Group  
STEP Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners  
Geneva, Switzerland
Yuri Bazhutov
PhD in Physics and Mathematics
Theorists and experiments. Over 30 years experience in Cold Nuclear Transmission of chemical elements. He stands at the gates of the development of Cold Transmutation in the world and in Russia.
Denis Kozulin
PhD in Chemistry
Specialist in Analytical Chemistry. Deputy Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology State University Vyatka. Head of Center for Analytical Chemistry.

Details of Token Sales

Token Sale is performed by Swiss Isotopes SARL, registered in Switzerland, in the canton of Geneva. 
Project commercial name: "Sinteztech"  
Token name: Synthestech Token (STT)  
Cost: 1 STT = 1 USD  
Total will be issued: 18.000.000 STT token
Personal Sales (50% bonus) and Pre-ICO: December - January 2017  
ICO: February 2018
For more information:
My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1139457;sa=summary


Minerva built with smart contracts in the chain of Ethereum blocks, Minerva aims to push the approved platform to adopt encryption as a new payment method.
The goal of Minerva is to address the traditional cryptocurrency adoption problem and provide business partnerships with a payment driven solution.


The key differences between Minerva and Bitcoin is that Minerva is designed to reward platforms that accept their OWL token with reverse transaction rates as well as address the challenges of widespread crypto-currency adoption. Minerva is a platform and your OWL token is your currency. In addition to being a crypto-currency, we are the world’s first reverse merchant processor.
Minerva will be used on carefully selected platforms which are subjected to rigorous auditing and transparency agreements. It is unlikely will consider parterning with any platform with a > 15,000 Alexa ranking.
 ERC20 compatible wallets such as MetaMask, MyEtherWallet or TREZOR (with firmware >= 1.5.2 due to a recent security issue) for a physical cold storage

Minerva employs four key methods to deter voter manipulation :

  • A deposit is required to vote; the deposit corresponds to the influence the participant’s vote has on Minerva’s “contract price” and the deposit decides the reward received for voting. This deposit will be lost if the vote is found to be illegitimate.
  • A “votechain” is employed in this process. The votechain permits further judgment of the validity of past votes as new votes are input. When a participant votes on the current price, they are also asked to input the price from selected past moments. These votes are then compared against the previously cast votes and votes found to be illegitimate will lose their deposit. “Illegitimate votes” are defined as not falling between the 25th and 75th percentile given a sufficient sample size.
  • If the amount of votes is sufficient, all cast votes are rewarded, while at the same time only a certain percent are permitted to influence the contract price of Minerva.
  • Open-source exchange polling and voting automation with real-time log output as a failsafe mechanism. This safeguard is only activated if presented with evidence of a sophisticated attack occurring on the Minerva Volatility Protocol.


Minerva is presently an ERC20 token and smart contract system built on the Ethereum blockchain. Following this standard, Minerva tokens are easily transferable between users and platforms using ERC20-compatible wallets, and can be smoothly integrated into exchanges.


Certain OWL tokens will be held and issued to businesses to serve as “signing bonuses” subjected to a slow-time-release algorithm and distributed on a first-come, first-served basis at 5% of the bonus vault until a point where the vault becomes nearly exhausted and a 5% signing bonus is fiscally inconsequential.
Minerva uses two advanced methods to increase and decrease the OWL token supply. The first method mints new Minerva OWL tokens and inserts them into the economy when a partner platform accepts the token as the payment method. The rate at which OWL tokens are currently entering the economy is called the “reward rate.” The reward rate is directly proportional to the price of OWL: as the price rises, the reward rate rises. The reward rate will rise until it increases the total supply enough to prevent violent short-term price swings. When the reward rate is greater than zero (0), a small portion of the rewards are sent to a contract where they can be exchanged for MVP tokens (Minerva Volatility Protocol tokens) and voting tokens. The inherently inflationary reward rate used to reward platforms is hard capped at 10%. This hard cap means supply will not dramatically change during episodes of significant growth, enabling the market price to naturally stabilize when artificial steadying is inadequate.
The second method sterilizes Minerva OWL tokens when their price is decreasing. Instead of a negative reward rate, we enact a system that incentivizes users to temporarily take their OWL tokens out of the economy. Users will exchange OWL tokens for MVP tokens representing a certain amount of OWL tokens which may (or may not) appreciate over a set period of time. In any instance of a price decrease MVP tokens will be sold, but the more drastic the price decrease at the time of purchase, the higher the potential appreciation value of these tokens. These MVP tokens will be able to be exchanged at a later date for the original OWL tokens paid in addition to a certain percent extra.
Voting System
Voting is based on a Schelling point method inspired by Vitalik Buterin’s SchellingCoin, yet modified to be more resilient against manipulation (explained further below), in order to determine the approximate Minerva/USD conversion rate. In addition to the normal transfer of OWL tokens, users will be able to use a function that allows for the transferring of tokens and voting within a single transaction. Because of this “piggybacking,” voting will have minimal gas (transaction fee) costs. In exchange for voting, voters will be awarded a specific number of voting tokens correlated to their Minerva stake deposited for the vote.
The first business to integrate into the Minerva economy is a live-streaming service with $20MM in revenue and over 10 million users. We will show a clean and concise before-and-after revenue impact of integrating with Minerva. At this time, Minerva has been advised to temporarily withhold the name of our first partnered business. We aim to integrate across a wide spectrum of large niche and mainstream businesses spanning several industries by recruiting platforms into the Minerva Smart Money Alliance (MSMA).
Early adopter participation takes place through a crowdsale dashboard accessible via 75,000,000 of 100,000,000 total initial Minerva OWL tokens will be distributed in two crowdsales. A pre-sale is followed by a primary Minerva crowdsale, and each are accessible to parties outside of the United States.
The crowdsales will be held in an auction format in that all distributed Minerva will be priced by the amount of contributions received, and then distributed accordingly. 25,000,000 Minerva will be excluded from the crowdsales which is described below in the “Reserve Minerva” section. After the initial 100,000,000 OWL tokens are created, new token creation, apart from bonuses associated with platform utility, will be halted permanently. Within 1 year (365 days) of the crowdsale, an announcement will be made regarding any potential 1:1 token exchanges relating to any proposed private blockchain migration.
We will be holding a token pre-sale and it is likely to be privately held.
After the token pre-sale, the primary and final crowdsale will take place
At the end of the crowdsales the founding team will receive a 10% allocation of OWL tokens, subject to a twelve-month (12-month) holding period. These tokens will serve as a long-term performance incentive for the founding team. An additional 10% will be allocated for long-term operating costs, 2.5% will be allocated for partnerships and another 2.5% for the bug bounty program. All Minerva OWL token transfers will be restricted for two (2) months after the crowdsale ends.


- Base Platform Development
- Internal Market Simulations
- Integration Testing / Compliance
- Content Translation
- Exchange Listings
- Legal Counsel
- Initial Security Auditing
In this project is filled by people who are professionals who are experts in their field :

for official Minerva information:

My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1139457;sa=summary

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