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Minggu, 03 Desember 2017


Real estate represents a significant portion of most people’s wealth, and this is especially true for many homeowners in the United States. According to the most recent Survey of Consumer Finances by the Federal Reserve, 65.2% of American families owns their own primary residence. The size and scale of the real estate market make it an attractive and lucrative sector for many investors.
real estate is an enabler of economic activity. By offering the space for businesses to operate it effectively provides the business infrastructure without which an advanced economy could not operate. Furthermore, high-quality, modern and innovative buildings contribute to maintaining the UK’s reputation as an international trade hub and attract skills and capital from the rest of the world, creating further opportunities.
Second, real estate is a source of employment in all sorts of areas; not only for architects, builders and engineers, but also for legal and financial advisors, surveyors, facilities managers and all those that provide for the construction industry.
Third, real estate plays a vital role in the provision of infrastructure. It is easy to see that infrastructure creates the conditions for property development, but it should not be forgotten that this is a two-way relationship. Tube extensions, schools, hospitals, and so on are all examples of projects whose viability can be highly dependent on associated real estate development.
Government bureaucracy, red tape, development issues, transaction fees, centralized control, ownership records Complicated and lengthy purchase and settlement process Inefficient use of asset Overpriced housing market
A decentralized Blockchain based Peer to Peer transaction platform that makes property projects more accessible, transparent, cheaper and seamless on a global scale. In essence it allows participants a secure platform to control their own property project at a fraction of the current cost whilst having exposure to a global audience.
Peer to Peer participation in a range of projects List and market property Open up to a global audience of cryptocurrency enthusiasts Low cost transaction fees Roadshows and education relating to cryptocurrencies Team of experienced technology, property and finance experts Socially responsible company The only cryptocurrency facilitating Peer to Peer property projects Potential for massive growth Participation revenue
Facilitate Peer 2 Peer Property Projects Facilitate listing and settlements on the one platform Educate participants about the benefits of cryptocurrency Develop Socially Responsible Property Projects Pioneer the transition from Fiat to Crypto
RPTs Real Property Tokens will be for sale at our TokenSale. Users can transfer Ethereum to the address on the website only in exchange for RPT.
The TokenSale value of RPTs will be: Family & Friends Token Sale Up to Nov 27th — 1 ETH = 4200 RPT
Pre Token Sale Nov 28th to Dec 10th — 1 ETH = 3600 RPT
Token Sale Dec 11th to Jan 11th — 1 ETH = 3000 RPT
For users having difficulties in purchasing tokens or wanting to trade using other cryptocurrencies please contact us. Our aim is to fulfill each request received. SOFT AND HARD CAPS The soft cap for Real Property Token is 5 million tokens.
In the event that the Real Property Token Sale does not achieve this amount we will provide further information on how you can withdraw back your funds. No more than 100 million RPTs will be created and we will not be accepting more payments if this token count is achieved. Any tokens not sold at the end of the Token Sale will be distributed to token holders who participate in the initial projects at an approximate rate of 10%, until all tokens are distributed.
RPTs will be listed and traded on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges to provide liquidity for token holders upon completion of the Token Sale.
FUNDS RAISED The funds raised from the Token Sale are for the development of the platform, roadshows and APPS.
HOW CAN RPTs BE USED ON THE PLATFORM Initially they can be used to participate in various projects that RPT will make available to Token Holders which include property projects, crypto mining and APPS. Token Holders may also use their tokens to participate in Peer to Peer Projects which are created and driven by the crowd. Listing a property for sale is free, however Tokens may be used to purchase enhanced listing features.
The generated tokens will be distributed at a rate of 70:30 between the Token Sale and Real Property Token. From Real Property Tokens 30%, Founders will receive 5%, Team Members and Advisors will receive 5%, Marketing will receive 10% and a reserve fund of 10% will be held to ensure all Token Sale requests can be fulfilled. The Founders and Company tokens are held in trust and will not be available to the market to be traded until 2019.
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